Thank you for your upgrade purchase! Your content package
is now in your DIYplr account, but first….

“We’ve Saved You a Ton of Money on Content Creation to Help You Grow Your List and Have a Complete Product For Sale…Let Us Save You a Ton of Time Doing Your Complete Website Set Up For You”

You’ve now got all the content you need to put up an opt-in offer and a complete product up for sale, but now comes the tech stuff. You just need to set up your website, product for sale and your autoresponder.

Don’t let all this great content sit on your hard drive, collecting virtual dust!

We know what it’s like. You buy up some great content, you get excited about it getting out there for sale, but you get busy. You keep telling yourself you’ll get to it, but the time never seems to come.

Well, how about we take that tech stuff off your shoulders and have our team set it all up for you, making this a nearly hands-free process for you?

Here’s The Deal…

  • You make sure you have a domain, web host, autoresponder service and a free JVZoo account;
  • We take care of the WordPress install, set up your sales pages, opt-in pages, customer pages, product set up and follow up email series;

Here’s a breakdown of what’s included in this done-for-you service

  • WordPress set up with our exclusive theme and necessary plugins for your website (Value: $497);
  • Sales page set up with order button (Value $125);
  • Opt-in page set up with opt-in form and thank you page  (Value $175);
  • Download pages for your customers (Value: $250);
  • Complete product set up and necessary integrations on JVZoo (Value: $150);
  • Autoresponder set up for opt-in offer and customer list (Value $175);

That’s a total value of $1372, but’ we’ll get our team on it for much less than that. But because this is a labor intensive process and we need to ensure the best service possible for clients, we can only offer a limited number of done-for-you packages. Click the button below to get this service while it’s still available.


No Thanks, I’ll Set My Website and Funnel Up Myself.

This Premium Content Package Brought to You By:

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